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XTSC Rules & Regulations


XTSC is first and foremost a Fun Recreational Sports League, organized for the Sporting Pleasure on Fun and Reasonable Adults. All leagues/events should be played with good sportsmanship. Although competition may become intense, we expect our participants to maintain good sportsmanship up to and after the final whistle. As a participant in any XTSC league, tournament or event, you must pledge to:

  • Respect the game, play fairly, and follow all rules and policies.
  • Accept the decisions of XTSC officials with good grace.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during, and after games, win or lose.
  • Be responsible for the sportsmanship of all teammates and assist in maintaining a respectful environment for all participants.
  • Be courteous to opposing teams, officials, monitors, or facilitators and treat all players, spectators, and XTSC officials with respect.
  • Help to maintain and keep all equipment and conditions at the facility/park in good condition.
  • Obey all facility rules, while respecting all equipment, common areas, playing areas, parking areas, and surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Refrain from the use of abusive language or profanity.
  • Do not engage in any form of verbal aggression including: verbal threats of violence or abuse aimed at any participant, official, staff member, or spectator.
  • Do not engage in any physical altercation including: initiate a fight, scuffle, or heated exchange with any individual (including but not limited to: pushing, shoving, kicking, etc).
  • Do not use alcoholic beverages or drugs at any location.
  • Wear/use all required equipment.


Sports are filled with judgment calls and, as a result, disputes between players, opponents, spectators, and staff may occur from time to time. However, it is important that participants respect and handle all disputes that may occur in a civilized manner. No one may argue/protest a judgment call. All decisions made by on-site XTSC officials must be respected and obeyed. Any feedback regarding rules, players, officials, or staff members should be brought to the attention of an XTSC League Administrator during normal business hours (M-F from 9a-5p) in written form by emailing us at info@xtsc.ca. Any behaviour deemed unacceptable by XTSC may result in an ejection, suspension, and/or expulsion as outlined below. Repeated Code of Conduct violations by the same team will result in a team expulsion from the league without refund. All Code of Conduct violations will result in a suspension as outlined below. All violations/fouls/penalties which result in an ejection are subject to review and a possible multi-game suspension. Players may appeal a suspension in writing within 48 hours of a suspension notification. Players cannot participate during the appeal process.


Upon ejection (in case of a red card), the game stops, and a player must:

  • Immediately leave the field/court and subsequently the premises.
  • Take no longer than TWO minutes to get out of sight and sound of the field/court
  • DO NOT wait in the parking lot or anywhere on site.
  • If the player does not leave or demonstrate a cooperative effort to do so in the time allotted, his/her team will be issued a default loss.
  • A $50 credit will be deducted from the team captain’s account and the player in question will receive an automatic 1 game suspension. The incident is also subject to review by League Management to determine if a longer suspension is warranted.
  • 2 yellow cards leading up to a red: reviewable upon league management and may warrant a suspension.

Verbal Abuse/Profanity

Any verbal abuse, threats, or profanity directed towards an opposing player will result in an automatic yellow card.

Any verbal abuse, threats, or profanity directed towards a referee will result in an automatic red card.

Any threats/discriminatory offenses directed towards an opposing player or referee will result in an automatic red card and minimum 2 games suspension.

Physical abuse

Any physical altercation (including but not limited to: pushing/shoving, grappling, spitting, physical instigation) towards an opposing player will result in an automatic red card and minimum 1 game suspension.

Any physical altercation (including but not limited to: pushing/shoving, grappling, spitting, physical instigation) towards a referee will result in an automatic red card and minimum 3 games suspension.

  • Kicking: any aggressive kicking outside of regular play will result in an automatic red card and minimum 3 games suspension.
  • Fighting/Punching/Choking: any form of fighting (including but not limited to: punching, choking) towards an opposing player will result in an automatic red card and minimum 5 games suspension. Each player who actively engaged in fighting (and not de-escalating the situation) will be subjected to a $500 penalty fine (5000 XTSC points).
  • Any form of fighting towards the referee will result in an immediate and permanent ejection from the league.

Drugs and Alcohol

The use of drugs and/or alcohol is strictly prohibited while players are in any league facility or facility’s parking lot. It is also prohibited to imbibe or otherwise use any drug directly before any league event. The use of drugs and alcohol before or during sport activity is directly linked to both health problems, dangerous play, and violent encounters and will not be tolerated. Furthermore, it is illegal to have drugs or alcohol on any school or city premises, and it is a condition of our permits that members do not bring controlled substances onto facility grounds. As such, any player or team found to have drugs or alcohol in a facility or facility parking lot is subject to immediate ejection from the league without refund and possible prosecution.

XTSC Loyalty Points Program

The person that purchases a team or a free agent registration will receive XTSC Loyalty points into their account in the form of Credits. These credits can be used for future registrations over the next 2 years. The loyalty program is constructed as follows:


  • Loyalty points (in the form of Credits) are automatically deposited into the purchaser’s account after the season starts.
  • Loyalty Points (in the form of Credits) are calculated at the rate of 5% of the Team price before Tax (or 4.425% after Tax).
  • Please note: XTSC Loyalty Points/Credits, have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash or cash equivalent.
  • Unused XTSC Loyalty Points/Credits will expire after 2 years and will be removed from your account.
  • a default without sufficient notification to contact the opposing team will result in a -$25 XTSC credit penalty transferred to the opposing captain for the first default and a -$100 XTSC credit penalty transferred to the opposing captain for a second default.

Negative Credit Balances

  • On occasion, a team or player may have a negative credit balance.
  • Negative credit balances are usually a result of either multiple defaults, accumulating multiple team/player red cards and/or suspensions, or for disputing a legitimate charge.
  • The negative credit balance acts as a fine against the team/player, and the team/player will not be allowed to re-register until that fine is paid in full to the league.
  • If a legitimate charge was disputed, the disputer will no longer be able to purchase registrations or merchandise online. Any future purchases will need to be made by EFT after all outstanding charges are settled.

Please contact us at info@xtsc.ca regarding your account status.

I received a yellow card in my last game. What happens now?

If it is your first yellow card, take it as a warning that your play can get too aggressive and you need to tone it down. Your yellow card will be recorded and be visible on our website together with the scoring statistics. If you have received two yellow cards in one game, you will be suspended for the remainder of that game (you must leave the premises) and the cards will be reviewed for further sanctions. If you do not leave, your team will be awarded a default loss. If you have received two yellow cards within a season, you may receive an official warning that you are nearing a suspension. A one-game suspension will automatically follow the third yellow card. 5 Yellow cards will lead to a 2 game suspension and the league will review your behaviour on the field which can possibly lead to an increase in the length of your suspension, or ejection from the league.

A two or more game suspension will result in a ‘strike’. Multiple Strikes result in longer suspensions, Significant Loyalty Points deductions, and finally expulsion from the league. Please see ‘3-Strike System’ under “Guidelines” on the XTSC Rules & Regulations page.

I received a red card in my last game. What happens now?

If you received a direct red card, you are suspended from the game in which the offence occurred as well as the next game. Your team captain will be fined a $50 credit, and you must leave the field immediately, and not wait in the parking lot or otherwise near the premises. If you do not leave, your team will be awarded a default loss. Your team will have to play short for the game in which the offense occurred, but is not required to play short in the following game. XTSC will review the incident and determine if further sanctions are required (including, but not limited to, longer suspension or expulsion). Two red cards in a season will result in a minimum of expulsion from the rest of the season. Unacceptable actions include, but are not limited to, fouls with an intent to injure, physical or verbal abuse of members or staff, and physical or verbal violence. Please see ‘3-Strike System’ under “Guidelines” on the XTSC Rules & Regulations page.

Someone on my team instigated a fight during a game. What happens now?

If someone starts a physical altercation, there are severe consequences, as violence is NOT tolerated towards any league or staff members. At a minimum, you can expect that player to be ejected from the league for one full year and large point deduction to be imposed against your team captain. Depending on the actions of the other team members and the opposing team, further suspensions/ejections may also be imposed. If it is determined that a majority of the team participated in the instigation or the fight itself, perpetuating the situation and causing more injury/damage, or if this is a repeated offense, the full team may be ejected from the league and may be banned from future registrations. Ejected teams do not receive a refund of their team fees. Please see ‘3-Strike System’ under “Guidelines” on the XTSC Rules & Regulations page.

My team received a warning. What happens now?

If your team has received a warning, please take it to heart. This warning will be in effect for 365 days from it being issued, and if additional incidents occur/there are additional warnings, the full team may be suspended or expelled. Please see ‘3-Strike System’ under “Guidelines” on the XTSC Rules & Regulations page.


Teams and Players will be monitored under a 3-strike system per year (365 days counting from the first strike).

Escalation of Player Sanctions

Anything worthy of a 2-game suspension and above will be considered a a strike.

  • On the 1st strike, the player will be warned and the team captain responsible for that player will have a $50 credit deducted from his/her account.
  • On the 2nd strike, suspensions/penalties will double. The team captain responsible for that player will be subjected to a $100 credit deducted from his/her account.
  • On the 3rd strike, that player will be immediately ejected from the league for at least 2 years.

Escalation of Team Sanctions

Teams will be also monitored under a 3-Strike system per season.

  • Official Warnings may be sent out to teams due to valid complaints regarding team conduct, behaviour, overly aggressive/physical play, and/or verbal abuse towards XTSC Members or Staff.
  • Validity of the complaint will be determined via admin staff with the reports of the individual who issued the complaint, the referee/staff
    present for said game, the opposing team captain, and any trusted team captains within said division or officials that have refereed the individual/team.
  • Any strike on an individual player listed above may warrant an Official Warning for the entire team.
  • On the 1st Team Warning, an email will be sent to the team reminding them of XTSC’s various league rules/guidelines and advising them to keep their team conduct/behaviour under control. 1st Official Warnings will be carried over for 365 days.
  • On the 2nd Team Warning, the entire team will be suspended for 1 game, given a default loss for that game and the team captain will be subjected to a $250 fine. 2nd Official Warnings will be reset per season.
  • On the 3rd Team Warning, the said team will be immediately ejected from the league, removed from the schedule for the rest of the season and will be unable to register for 2 seasons. The team captain will also be subjected to a $500 fine.



XTSC has two main location divisions:

  • Downtown region: Stretches mostly along the Bloor/Danforth line, from Dufferin to Coxwell, and from Cherry Beach to Cosburn.
  • North York region: Stretches along the 401 from Steeles and Bathurst to Don Mills, and down the DVP to Eglinton.


All facilities are to be treated with respect, this includes but is not limited to:

  • No littering
  • No intentional damaging of property
  • No glass containers in or around the playing area
  • Animals, other than service animals, are not permitted in the facilities.
  • The people who work at the facilties enable you to play every week, respect them! Failure to do so will result in a warning, suspension or possible ejection from the league.
  • Players/teams are responsible for any damage they do. Any player or team whose actions directly lead to the league losing the permit for a facility will immediately be ejected from the league without a refund.


  • At most outdoor locations, there are no washroom or changeroom facilities available.
  • Most indoor facilities will have washrooms available
  • Urinating on school property is strictly forbidden and may result in charges being filed.


  • Please remember sports are considered inherently risky and as a result, XTSC cannot be held responsible for the cost of treatment or recovery for any injuries that result from playing spors or being present in an area where sports are being played
  • If you have any pre-existing conditions (including, but not limited to: heart conditions, severe asthma or pregnancy) please consult a physician and take the appropriate precautions before attending any games
  • We encourage all players to honestly evaulate their physical condition before participating in recreational sports leagues or any other strenuous activities
  • First Aid kits are onsite at most games
  • Please be advised that these are for minor injuries only, for serious injuries call an ambulance and notify the onsite staff member
  • If you bleed due to a cut or wound, you must exit the game until the bleeding has stopped or you have bandaged the wound



  • Clothing is required in the league- both top and bottom for all genders
  • If you’re playing ball hockey, flag football or soccer, you must bring a light and dark shirt for team recognition


  • If you are playing a gym sport you must wear shoes with non-marking soles
  • Metal cleats and metal-toed shoes are not permitted in any XTSC games


  • Jewellery that is sharp or point must come off before the start of the game
  • It is recommened to remove all other jewellery (i.e. wedding band, necklate etc.) while playing, to limit the chance of losing or damaging your valuables
  • Referees/representatives have the right to request a player take off any jewellery


  • Medical devices worn during the game (braces, casts, etc.) that have any sharp or rough edges must be covered by protective material (padded bandage, long sleeve shirt, sweatpants, etc.) for the protection of the other players
  • Any braces, casts etc that are deemed unsafe by the official and are not properly covered, must be removed. If the unsafe equipment is not removed, the player will not be allowed to play in the game


  • Uniforms (similar jerseys with numbers) aren’t mandatory. However, when two teams have the same colour, the team without a uniform has to change jersey colour
  • In the case that both teams have a uniform or no uniform, the home team will have to change colour
  • For all teams it is mandatory to have 2 different coloured jerseys at the game at all times
  • To inform other teams of your jersey colour, email us at info@xtsc.ca so we can update this information online
  • If teams don’t have an alternative jersey colour, they will get an official warning. If this happens twice in a season, the opponent at that moment is allowed to take a default win
  • Referees can call off a game if the jersey colours of players are too confusing. If this happens, the game result will be 0-0
  • If it is only the players of one team that are causing jersey colour confusion (e.g. some players wearing the same colour jersey as the other team) this team will take a 0-6 loss

For more information, please see the specific sport rules.

Registration Process

  • We accept team registrations and free agent (individual) registrations. If you sign up as an individual you will be placed on a team with other individuals or on an established team. Please contact us if you’d like to sign up with multiple friends as free agents
  • Note: Do not sign up as a free agent if you have an established team captain! Please arrange payment and such with the team captain. Only sign up as a free agent if you do not have a team
  • Free agent teams, unless there are requests to play together that do not make it possible, will generally be capped at ((the number of players on the field) x2)-1. Thus, 6s teams will aim for 11 players, 7s teams will aim for 13 players, etc. This is to prevent defaults if players are not able to make all of the games and to provide subs during game play. Playing time is to be distributed evenly across all players.
  • Registration fees must be paid on the website using Visa or Mastercard or with debit/cash at the office (appointment is required)
    Applications for registrations that are placed without a full payment being made are not considered to be finalized and those players/teams will not be placed in the system or allowed to play until full payment is made.
  • We are unable to reserve spots before this full payment has been made.


  • Everyone playing in the league must agree to the online waiver before their first game of the season. Members are ineligible to play until they have viewed and accepted the waiver.
  • Alternate players who sub in must be added to the team roster and have to accept the online waiver before the start of the game.
  • If you aren’t on the roster, you’re ineligible to play.
  • If you are on the roster but have not accepted the waiver, you’re ineligible to play.
  • Any team that is found to field an ineligible player will receive a 3-0 default loss or (the opposing team’s score)-0, whichever is greater.
  • Opposing team captains and referees may both contest a player’s eligibility. If a player is contested, they must provide picture ID with their full first and last name, which will be provided to admin staff with the game report. If admin sees they are on the roster with a waiver signed, no action will be taken and the game results will stand. If they are not on the roster or have not signed a waiver, the game will be considered a default.
  • It is the captain’s responsibility to field an eligible team and ensure that all players have an active waiver on file. Rosters must be completed with a player’s full first and last name, with any commonly used nicknames in brackets.
  • The amount of waivers that has to be signed before the start of the season are the amount of players of a full team + 1. Example: 7v7 Soccer, 8 people have to sign the waiver before the team will be scheduled. The exception to this rule are volleyball teams who only need 6 players on the roster
  • Playoff rules: players must have played 2 regular season games in order to be eligible to play during the playoffs.

Substitute Eligibility

Formed teams may bring out substitutes to supplement their roster under the following conditions.

  • Everyone playing in the league must agree to the online waiver before their first game of the season. Substitutes are ineligible to play until they have viewed and accepted the waiver.
  • Substitute players must be added to the team roster and accept the online waiver before the start of their first game.

Free Agent Teams

  • Free Agent teams cannot invite other players to their games unless the players register with the league and pay online before their first game
  • Any Free Agent members who invites additional players to their games will be fined or ejected from the league, as such behaviour impacts the playing time and enjoyment of the registered members of the team
  • If you experience a shortage of players, please contact the league.

Any team that is short players at the field is allowed to ask players from previous games to subsititue for them under the following conditions:

  • The substituting player must be an XTSC member with a current signed waiver, and must provide their name and regular team name to the referee before the start of the game
  • Explicit permission must be given by the opposing team
  • Explicit permission must be given by the ref
  • Substitutes can only be used to field a full team plus one sub of each gender
  • It can not be a playoff game
  • If any of these conditions are not met, and the substitute player is fielded, the game will be considered a default loss and be scored 3-0 or (opposing teams score)-0, whichever is greater.

Game Cancellations and Rescheduling

  • League start dates can be changed and games can be rescheduled based on changes to facility availability or the needs of the league. No refunds will be given based on any season delays or changes to the league schedule.
  • The league will always try to inform members about cancellations within 6 to 12 hours prior to the start of the game. Game cancellations due to weather conditions are usually called at the game location and time.
  • Indoor games won’t be cancelled for weather conditions unless the facility has been closed
  • Weather may effect outdoor games. Our referees are responsible to call the game when weather conditions impede with the safety of the game.
  • As seasons are tightly scheduled, outdoor games might not be rescheduled when called as a result of inclement weather; If the weather doesn’t allow the game to finish, and a minimum of half the game has already been played, then the score from the time at which the game stopped will be final.
  • Refunds will not be given when games are cancelled due to inclement weather, whenever a facility is not available or due to permit cancellations – those games will always be rescheduled. If XTSC is unable to reschedule the games, then a prorated credit iwill be provided to all affected participants for the shortened season.
  • Teams of Free Agents that default 2 or more games in one season will be removed from the schedule and the league. These teams/players may or may not be replaced by other members; in either case, no refund will be given.


I won’t be able to play anymore, am I entitled to a refund?

XTSC’s refund policy is as follows:

  • No refund will be given once the season starts.
  • A combo season registration is considered a single registration for two or more consecutive seasons – the second season being an extension of the first season. No refunds will be issued once the first season starts.
  • Refund requests less than 4 weeks prior to the start of the season will result in a 50% refund.
  • Refund requests more than 4 weeks prior to the scheduled start of the season will be eligible for a full refund (less 10% administration fee per team or a $35 administration fee per free agent).
  • Games cut short due to weather conditions after halftime will be recorded based on the score when the game ended and will not be rescheduled or refunded.
  • XTSC reserves the right to adjust league start date as required based on facility availability. No refunds are given due to delays in league start dates
  • Refunds are not given to individuals or teams ejected from the league.
  • XTSC reserves the right to remove any teams/players from the league without a refund because of numerous defaults.
  • Refunds are not given when the league is unable to fulfill special requests from teams who want a specific location or time slot.
  • Competition-level selections are considered to be an indication of preference only. We cannot guarantee that all preferences will be honoured and no refund will be issued when a team/free agent is placed at one level above or below their requested competition level.
  • Refunds will not be given when games are cancelled due to inclement weather, whenever a facility is not available or due to permit cancellations – those games will always be rescheduled elsewhere or at a later date. If XTSC is unable to reschedule the games, then a prorated in-house credit will be provided to all affected participants for the shortened season.
  • If the facility that you signed up for is no longer available due to unforeseen circumstances (incl. interrupted facility access, foul weather, labour disputes, government mandates, etc), you will be offered alternate locations and/or dates to play your games. Location changes within our playing regions are not grounds for a refund. In the event that none of the alternate locations or dates are suitable, then XTSC will provide you with a pro-rated in-house credit for outstanding games to be used for future registrations.
  • Refunds are credited back to the credit card used at the time of purchase.

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