
AY Jackson Secondary School

Bedford Park

Deer Park J&SPS

Don Mills CI

Don Valley Middle School

John Fisher Jr PS

L'Amoreaux Collegiate Institute

Marc Garneau CI

Maurice Cody

McNicoll Park

North Toronto CI

The Hangar


Cherry Beach Sports Fields

City Adult Learning Centre

East York CI

Etobicoke CI

George Webster

Jarvis CI

Jesse Ketchum Jr & Sr PS

Monarch Park Stadium

Nelson Mandela Park PS

Queen Alexandra

Regent Park

Riverdale CI

Rosedale Heights School of the Arts

Scarborough MetroGolf SportsPlex

St. Patrick's Stadium


Bloor Collegiate Institute

Canoe Landing Park

Central Tech Stadium

Central Toronto Academy

Harbord CI

Keele Street Public School

King Edward Jr & Sr Public School

Lakeshore CI

Lamport Stadium

Lord Lansdowne Jr & Sr PS

Palmerston Ave Jr PS

Queen Victoria

The Bickford Centre